Monday, December 15, 2008

son of (some of) the damage done...

it didn't take long for the tv stations to arrive...our little end of the street was prime real estate...i think most of us were interviewed at least once...
of notable interest, the iron gate lifted out of the ground by the roots of the elm...well that gate was installed just days before the storm...the red chair i had trashpicked the morning of the storm on my way to work!
the X F13 spray painted on the fallen tree means that firetruck #13 checked all property around this tree and deemed that there were no gas leaks or people or animals in trouble...

the day after the tornado we had 2 tornado warnings and a full on hail shower...remember no power friends were calling in the weather reports...what good friends i have (forever grateful, PAULA!!), other friends who didn't live in cabbagetown came in to help too...some came everyday and didn't require any socializing or direction, they just got to work...cutting branches, picking up shingles, bringing food and water...i STILL find shingles in the yard or under a does judy...she lost the whole roof off the back of her house...just GONE!
the picture above is judy's front porch taken from michael's front porch...i stood inside michael's front door, holding belle on a leash during the hail...i was scared that a new tornado would touch down....
little ice nuggets in the roy estrada (stupid joke!)
the next step would be tree removal...eventually that happened and while still being stunned for days, possibly weeks...people began to repair and rebuild... i'm not sure just how many new roofs went on but it's all you could hear for months!

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